Integrated Water Management


Integrated Water Management means:


Integrated Water Management optimizes the balance of environmentally compatible, economical, and a level of labor extensive procedures to control your treatment program


Integrated Water Management looks at the implementation of a variety of strategies and procedures to ensure the proper treatment of your water systems


Integrated Water Management is a performance based program that monitors and evaluates all parameters that directly affect your treatment program.



Before any treatment program is implemented Gotham Technologies, Inc. will perform benchmark testing to ensue that the treatment program is designed specifically to meet your needs. The following are only a few of the benchmark tests that will be performed:


                        System volumes and make-up rates

                        Fuel economy studies

                        Tonnage utilization

                        Make-up water and cycles of concentration evaluation

                        Equipment performance and procedure evaluation.


These tests will be performed during the first month of operation of the system




The major categories in an Integrated Water Management program are:



1.    Structural Modifications


Gotham Technologies, Inc. will make a comprehensive evaluation of your systems and recommend the modification of you systems to enhance your treatment programs performance.


Examples of some structural modification are:



            Cooling tower hot decks covers and side screens.


            Extended angle irons on bottom blow down


            Sweeper rods in tower basins


            Float adjuster in tower basins








2.    Physical aids





Fouling is the highest cause of system failures. It is imperative that any comprehensive treatment program utilizes non-chemical solutions in the treatment of your water systems.


Ultra-filtration units should be installed on all open recirculating systems and bag filtration should be installed on all closed loop system. Typically these units are only installed in system when there is a problem. By initial installation of these units you reduce the likelihood of developing a problem dramatically





Automation of chemical feed and blowdown of both your cooling and heating systems will afford you the following:


Reduced chemical and water consumption

Increase control of target parameters

Reduce risk of liability by relieving plant personnel from handling   chemical products

Historical documentation of chemical addition



3.    Performance base monitoring techniques



In addition to the typical monitoring of trace inhibitor residuals and cycles of concentration it is imperative to use monitoring techniques that directly evaluate there performance of our treatment program. Again, to perform these techniques before a problem is perceived will dramatically increase the chance of having one.


Gotham will provide the following:


Corrosion coupon, and spool pieces to evaluate corrosiveness on a 30 day basis


Deposition monitors on all open systems to evaluate scale formation


Formal Microbiological testing will be performed weekly for general microbiological growth and monthly for species identification.


Planktonic and sessile bacteria monitoring will be performed monthly







4.    Training


Plant Engineers are by far our best resource for maintaining an evaluating the success of a water treatment program. No treatment program can be successful without the educated involvement of the plant engineers.



Gotham Technologies, Inc. is commented to the training of your plant personnel so that they can  competently evaluate and maintain your treatment program.


Annual and semi-annual on-site training seminars will include:


                                    Philosophy of water treatment

                                    Testing and monitoring procedures

                                    Performance evaluation

                                    Troubleshooting Techniques

                                    Safety procedures

                                    Logging, documenting and protocol techniques




5.    Cleanings, Sanitations and Lay-ups



It is just as important to correctly treat your systems when they are off-line, then it is when they are running.  The amount of corrosion and fouling that can occur during the off-season, if not maintained, can reduce the life of the equipment and cause severe problem during the season.


 It is for the reason that Gotham Technologies, Inc. integrates formal cleaning, sanitation and   lay-up procedures in all our water conditioning programs.


 All open recirculating water system will be disinfected, chemically and physically cleaned cleaned twice a year


 All open recirculating water systems will be laid-up during the off season with a vapor phase corrosion inhibitor and a biocidal dosage of a non-oxidizing microbiological control agent.


 All close loop systems that are drained for the season will be chemically cleaned, then laid-up with a vapor phase corrosion inhibitor and a biocidal dosage of a non-oxidizing microbiological  control agent.